Therapy for Children
“Should I take my child to therapy?” A question asked when a parent or caregiver is feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and perhaps afraid. Children are seen in therapy for any number of reasons - concerns around anxiety, depression, academic or learning disabilities, and behavioral issues. Sometimes children that have autism, ADHD, are identified as gifted, or twice exceptional need additional support. Therapy is not a one size fits all process and finding a therapist who connects with both you and your child is important. Because children “speak” play, play therapy provides a natural way for connection. Click here for a list of questions you may find helpful when selecting a therapist.
Play Therapy
“Play Therapy is based upon the fact that play is the child’s natural medium of self expression ... It is an opportunity which is given to the child to ‘play out’ his feelings and problems just as in certain types of adult therapy an individual ‘talks out’ his difficulties.” Virginia Axline
Play provides a way to express thoughts and feelings. Through play therapy, children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, modify behavior, develop problem-solving skills, and learn a variety of ways of relating to others. (
PLAY THERAPY Cognitive behavior therapy (PTCBT)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that, rather than events or people, it is our thoughts (cognitions) that cause our feelings and behaviors. Through PTCBT children can identify thinking patterns that are more helpful, causing a shift in feelings and behaviours.
Strength BAsed Play Therapy (SBPT)
Strength based therapy focuses on abilities rather than limitations. SBPT helps children grow by identifying and building on internal strengths.